Anyway as if these to songs weren't bad enough, I came home one day and my brother was watching BET with a disgusted look on his face. On the screen was this video...
The first thing I thought was, "great, rip off one of my favorite videos.". I hope I wasn't the only one who noticed this immediately...
Jason Derulo, you suck.
I blame Chris Brown. His career is tarnished and they are putting out artists that sound like him (but make cornier songs). Why Chris is trying to make a comeback with a more bad ass image after beating his girlfriend I don't understand. I think they are tying to capitalize on the amount of respect he lost. Although Jason Derulo has some suspect lyrics: "you'll be screaming NO! …in my head, it's going down" Might be something Chris can relate to.
Whatever the reason is, this resurrection in music has instilled a great fear in me. I fear that 2010 will see the return of the dreaded "BOY BAND" [AAAAAHHHHHHH!]
No, I don't mean these guys.
They're the new Hanson, they're a real band. They actually play instruments (I'm not a fan of them either though). I mean the new N'SYNC, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, LFO, NKOTB, and the other acts that taught me the oh so important lesson in my younger days that music can actually sound bad.
To be honest, I did like N'SYNC and the song "Everybody (Backstreets Back)" (I was 12 and the video was hot, sue me) but everything else was pretty bad. I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm right I only hope it will open the door for a new R&B group. That could be cool. That's all I have to say about that. No matter what happens, I'll be watching with…
/.Eyes Always Open.\
- Jag-Ra
Last night, I went to Jason Derulo's Youtube page. His side profile actually LOOKS like Chris Brown. For a minute, I thought dude WAS Chris Brown with a new alias lol. Contemporary R&B has been corny for years now...