But if someone were to ask me, I'd say they were real. Because in my opinion Chris Brown is truly a sad individual.
As displayed in his show stopping tribute, his talent is undeniable (his moonwalk could use some work though). While I can recognize this, I can not respect him as a person.
Any man who would do this to his woman absolutely disgusts me.

It doesn't matter who it was, this is not coming from scorned a Rihanna. Just a man who believes in respect. The way that Chris handled the situation did not earn my forgiveness in any way. It was painfully obvious that we was only talking the steps to look positive in the public eye and save his career.
In his return in a few short months after the violent outburst he came back with a more bad boy image and one of his first lyrics in his return featured on the song "Drop it Low" was "put my hands on your body". All of this was like an insult to injury as he showed no indication that he should go any further to redeem himself.
If he donated to a battered womans charity or did a Breast Cancer walk I would have the slightest amount of respect for him. But instead I see him as the most pathetic vermin with a microphone in hand.
The bigger problem isn't Chris though, it's the fans, it's the public. It's the hormone driven female so caught up in his celebrity and so eager to forgive that they would accept his bullshit apologies and go buy his albums. Would they be so forgiving if they we the one's left with their face beaten that night? I certainly hope not. But with the things I've seen girls do and say, I'm sad to say that I'm not sure.
This much is certain though. If I ever make a mistake, hold me accountable. Don't let me off easy like this little punk. I am a man who will take responsibility for his actions and I will not accept your forgiveness until it is earned.
American society as a whole has an attention span that's way too short. When something is wrong it needs to be addressed and not let go until it is resolved. If we fail to do this we are only doomed to repeat the same consequences. We just sent the message that you can beat your woman and in a year everything will be ok. Are you proud of this America?
All you ladies mindlessly screaming for Chris Brown, try screaming at him. Maybe he'll learn something. He's hasn't looked at the "man" in the mirror hard enough.
/.Eyes Always Open.\
- Jag-Ra
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